Workshop:Participatory design (PD) of socially assistive robots (SARs)

Last week we organized a hands on workshop in ICSR 2022 utilizing our toolkit


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Decision making in advanced technological systems

This graduate course (364 – 2 – 1971) presents selected issues in decision-making research and their application to the design and operation of advanced technological systems. In this course, students learn how to adapt behavioral models and apply them to the design of the interaction of humans with advanced, intelligent technological systems. We aim to improve the quality of interaction by addressing the topics from multiple perspectives (individual, team and group), multiple types of models (agent-based, interaction-based, behavioral), factors and domains.

Course poster session. On 23/6 the class will present 20 posters related to decision making and technology in the domains of transportation, media and communication, medical and health, and robots and human robot interaction.

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The ‘Bot in the box’ Technique for remote HRI studies

Here we describe a new method to conduct studies in HRI that we developed during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

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The Laundry Room – a research facility to study human-robot interaction

Meet Sawyer as a laundry sorting robot. The user places the dirty laundry on the sorting table. Sawyer then sorts the dirty laundry by color and places the clothes in the appropriate bins.

see the short video at

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Eldercare will change

Here is a link to a short video summary of our work for the SOCRATES EU project. The overarching focus of this project is on Robotics in eldercare. The use-cases have become extremely relevant with the coronavirus outbreak. We often tended to assume that the lack of sufficient professional personnel will be the main reason for implementing and distributing social robots for the older population. Now we see the necessity of robots for maintaining the safety of older adults and avoiding the spread of disease – virus among those who are more vulnerable.


In SOCRATES we (Samuel Olatunji our doctoral student, Yael Edan my colleague and myself) look at the necessary balance between the robot’s level of autonomy (LOA) and the amount and pace of information it should provide (LOT – level of transparency) – so that people will get just the right amount of feedback from the robot (too much may distract them, too little may cause confusion, distrust, and abandonment fo this technology).

Our participants are active older adults who were willing to come to the lab and help us in developing our algorithms and applications. We wish them all well and to stay healthy. We hope to see them all again in the lab when the time comes and it is possible again.

The robot that you see in the film is not teleoperated, it moves autonomously following the user’s path and pace. This is the YouTube link:

To read more about this work and about Samuel


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